Friday, May 13, 2011


Happy Birthday to my husband's daughter LORI!  Hope your
Birthday is as great as you are!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Was sitting in my living room this morning reading around 9:30 when
I heard this noise that sounded like a freight train coming in my
living room.  I ran out to the porch thinking "the fence will be on
the porch" and this is what I saw!

My neighbor ran the stop sign and was t-boned!  The stop sign and street sign are under
the van.  Thank God, no one was hurt, not even my fence !

As you can see the van was touching my fence....I'm very happy I still have my fence
but I'm soooo sorry for those poor people...  My husband and I was sitting on the porch
yesterday counting the cars that rolled that stop sign (even a cop car) and said one of
these days someone is going to get it...Looks like today was the day :( 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Got up on Mother's Day morning and found this on my Face Book page...
Justin had uploaded his first bunch of pictures from Afghanistan.  It sure
made the day for his mom, me and the rest of our family. 
So proud of you Justin...can't wait for you to get home!!!

Talking to "HOME"

Justin is off to the right on the other side of the bell looking pole...