Went to the Bentonville library to do some more research on our Hopper family. I didn't find anything on our direct line but did find information on cousins way back, maybe it will help someone if I post it and it's one way I won't lose it...
Rockingham Co., N.C. Will Abstracts Volume 1 1785 - 1865 page 60
C:118 JEREMIAH HOPPER: June 16, 1851 Prb. Aug 1851
Wife, Nancy Hopper,
Dau, Betsey Baugh
Sons, Permenies D. Hopper, Greenville Hopper
Exr: Neighbor John Strong,
Wit: Charles Strong, Thomas W. Keen
Same book as above page 39
B:99 JOSHUA HOPPER: Oct 11, 1824 Prb. May 1834
Wife, Lucy Hopper
Sons, Jesse Hopper (land whereon I live bouned by James Dillard, estate of Joshua Lindsay and Jerry Hopper) Thomas Hopper, William Hopper, Joseph Hopper, Darby Hopper, Joshua Hopper.
Daus, Unity Odel, Ann Grogan, Rodock Stephens.
Exrs: Son Jesse Hopper, L. David, Bartho Grogan, John Vernon
1 day ago